Saturday, November 8, 2008

So... yeah...

Been kinda lame about updating this thing. Since my last post, I've taken a trip to Arcata, CA, Portland, and Seattle. It was pretty awesome... I really like Arcata and Seattle a lot.

Upon my arrival I've noticed that many of my patrons at the Buy Counter ®™ fall into two categories...

! - Ghetto dudes trying to score enough money for a blunt or a sack.
Usually trying to sell 2 0r 3 bootlegs, or crappy titles everyone has
(i.e. "The Mummy," "The Matrix," et. al. )

@- People who just don't know why they came to buy dvds to begin
with, and would rather take a huge loss on them rather than have
them take up a lot of space at their home. They usually have the
same titles as said ghetto dudes only sometimes in better shape
and a lot more than just 2 or 3.

Make my job fun people! sell me something I've never seen! Or not.



At November 8, 2008 at 10:32 PM , Blogger Kerri said...

What about the returns people? Like this guy:


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